April 2, 2022 (Lent Week 4)


A few weeks ago a friend of mine suddenly lost their younger sister Beth in a car accident. At
the memorial, there was much to be said about Bethany, but the main thing most people
brought up about her life was the overwhelming love she carried for all those around her and
her love for God. During the service, a portion of 1 Corinthians 13 was read, so when I saw this
verse amongst the morning prayers I just knew it was truly a sign from God. In this passage, 1
Corinthians 13: 1-13, the apostle Paul speaks on the eternal power of love. The main take away
is that you can have everything in this world — the gift of prophecy, the ability to move
mountains and even faith, but without love you have nothing. Love is everything. During the
memorial we replaced the word love with Beth in through the verses 4-7. “Love suffers long
and is kind, love does not envy.” (1 Corinthians 13: 4) I hope that when each of our times
comes, we too can truly say we’ve lived lives centred around love and we too can replace the
word love in that verse with our names. I pray that in the end we have loved and been loved,
because there is nothing greater in this world than the power of love. It has the ability to endure
all things, even death. I ask that you all keep Bethany and her family the Vanderbeeks in your
prayers during this difficult time, as God welcomes her into his kingdom. And if there was any
song that goes perfectly with this passage, it is Reckless Love.

 - Temi Soboyejo




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